Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Important Information for this week and updates

Wednesday March 23 - 8:15am PTO Meeting
This is the monthly PTO meeting in the cafeteria. All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. The PTO meeting is a great place to learn what is going on in the school, hear about upcoming events, and get the latest news regarding magnet program and state budget.

Friday, March 25 - NOON - full school dismissal
this Friday at noon will be full school dismissal with no clubs or extended day. please make arrangements to have your children picked up at noon.

I hope you all had a restful Spring Break with enjoyment of the beautiful weather!

As you may have heard from your children, Social Studies projects have begun this week. Students are completing research and a project on an American Revolutionary Figure. The due date is next week on Friday, April the 1st. This research project a subsequent one on another World Revolutionary Figure are part of the Current IB Planner. The Central Idea is that Conflict Causes People to Seek Resolution. This topic is in the news quite a bit these days and students are making parallels in class.

Students have also read a Historical Fiction novel from the American Revolution and are currently working on projects. They will be due on Friday of this week.

Both of these projects will be worked on in school. Students have asked if they can work on at home and, yes, they may. Parents are welcome to help with editing, spelling, and mechanics as well as help facilitate completion.

We are finishing up Energy this week with a test on Thursday, Friday or Monday, depending on progress with Sound Energy. Natural Resources will be next, with a quick one week section.

TAKS Testing is fast approaching and you may hear students talk more about TAKS practice and instruction at school. The Math TAKS for 5th Grade will be April the
4th and the Reading will be April the 5th. In 5th grade, students who do not pass Math and/or Reading, have a 2nd opportunity to pass and these re-takes will take place the last week in April. The Science TAKS will be April the 28th and there are no re-takes.