Monday, October 24, 2011

October 24th Blog Update

Hello All! We are in the thick of Exhibition research and notetaking. I hope that your children are coming home and letting you know about their Exhibition topics with great enthusiasm. They are extremely enthusiastic and focused in class. All notefacts will be due on Friday of this week and we will have time each day throughout the week to work on notetaking. Exhibition Mentors from the University of Houston have been to Roberts to work with groups and guide the process. I am also meeting with groups and checking progress throughout the week. All of our research skills work prior to Exhibition have paid off because students are rising to the occasion and becoming independent.

Math classes are finishing up the current Geometry unit this week. Students in my Math class will continue on with Geometry, covering graphing, congruence and transformations. Students in Mr. Shahriari's, Ms. Shilmoeller's and Mrs. Audi's classes will be focusing on Division. Ms. Rivers class will cover division at a later date. The fifth grade objective is for students to divide up to 3 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers and solving division word problems.

Language Arts-

Update! Well after a lot of thought, reflecting on student performance and understanding of Daily Language Review, I am changing the method in which I teach Grammar. We will now be focusing on 2-3 Grammar concepts per week. We are focusing on subject and object pronouns this week. This goes along with knowing when to use "I" versus "me". We will be focusing on Subjects and predicates next week. The graded Language Arts assignments will start to look different in the future.

Vocabulary and Wordly Wise-

We will be starting extended word work and vocabulary development by analyzing 6 of the more difficult Wordly Wise words over a 2 week period. This number may increase as the year progresses.


The majority of the reading instruction and focus continues to be on reading non-fiction and using strategies to understand and find information. We have looked at Text books and analyzed the structure of the Text and have had a scavenger hunt to quickly find information. Future exercises will be graded. Students will also be asked to continue to use strategies taught (ask questions and write key words) to accurately answer comprehension questions. Main focus in on research for Exhibition.

Social Studies-

The American Revolution has started. We will be spending the next couple of weeks on the Revolution and begin the birth of a new nation.


Matter and the properties of matter continue.

Important Events

NNAT testing is tomorrow morning. I talked with students about relaxing and doing the best they can.

Friday, the 28th will be Field Day in the afternoon.

Wrist Band Sales continue through the week, leading to hat day next Monday, the 31st

Report Cards go home in Tuesday Folders tomorrow.

Try to stay mosquito free! Carol Rivers