Monday, November 14, 2011

Wow! Students Are Busy.....

Reminders and calendar Updates

Picture Retakes are tomorrow for those who returned their photo pack.

Book Fair this week and our class will attend the book fair on Thursday afternoon.
Family Night at the Book Fair will be Wednesday night from 5:30-7:30- We hope to see you there

*Camp update- We know that many parents have questions about camp. Permission Slips went home in Tuesday folders last week. Many of you have already returned these, thank you. More information will be going home in the Tuesday folder tomorrow and if you still have questions after that, we will be having a parent meeting on Wednesday night, same night as Book Fair, at 6:00.


Students in all four classes have been working on fractions over the last week and a half. Fifth graders need to be able to generate equivalent fractions, simplify (reduce) fractions, convert mixed numbers to improper fractions and improper fractions to mixed numbers, find equivalent fractions to decimals, compare fractions and use these skills to solve word problems. Some of the prerequisite skills include identifying factors, common factors and greatest common factors. Some classes will start division over the next week, Ms. Rivers class will continue with fractions.

Social Studies-

We have finished the American Revolution and taken a final test. We are putting further studies on hold and focusing on Exhibition over the next week and a half. Once students are finished with Exhibition products (trifolds, power points etc.), we will continue with the New Nation. This will include, events that led from the Articles of Confederation to the creation of the U.S. Constitution and the establishment of the U.S. government (Bill of Rights, Checks and Balances etc.), Identify contributions of James Madison and Roger Sherman who helped create the U.S. Constitution, summarize events that led to the creation of the Constitution.


Matter is complete and we have begun the study of Energy. Students will need to understand the following vocabulary:
potential energy
kinetic energy
forms of energy- define and give examples of: mechanical, radiant (light), sound, chemical, thermal/heat, and nuclear/atomic

static electricity
current electricity
electrical circuits
closed circuits
open circuits

In addition to defining, students need to identify everyday examples and how they work. Important concepts: Energy cannot b e destroyed or created, only changed and give examples and how light and sound travel. This will all lead us to sources of energy in early January.


Students are done with note taking, have planned their actions and have started their product. They are very busy!!! I am requiring that all the visuals that are to go onto tri-folds be complete before they bring in tri-folds. This will vary based on the group. Students can start bringing in on Wednesday and I can find a place to store these. Exhibition is currently our Reading and Other Language Arts as they are reading and interpreting non-fiction text and writing. They are doing a great job and continue to be enthusiastic about their topics.

Exhibition will be presented two dates and times. The first, will be on Wednesday, the 14th of December from 6:00-7:00 in the evening and the second on Thursday, the 15th of December from 1:30-2:30

If I do not update the blog before Thanksgiving break, have a safe and wonderful holiday.