Thursday, November 6, 2014

Looking for ways to improve reading fluency and sight words?  These are great power points that have an option for 2 speeds, slow and fast.  You can have your reader practice at home.  If they misread, use the back arrow and fix up before moving on. These may be too difficult for young readers, use these powerpoints for higher level readers (levels 18 and up).

Click here to download High Frequency Words in Phrases Power Points

Tuesday, November 11th 6:30-7:30
Roberts Parent Literacy Night

Informational meeting and break out sessions

Roberts is hosting a Literacy Night for parents of Kindergarten and 1st Grade students.  Carol Rivers, Reading Intervention Teacher, and Chase May, Kindergarten Teacher, will hold an informational meeting describing the literacy framework and instructional model at Roberts.  Break out sessions will follow where parents will learn more specific ways to work with readers at home.  Please be sure to RSVP

This is an Adult only event.