Friday, October 29, 2010

The Rivers Rhinos did roar and pulled through with a 5-3 win over Ms. Schillmoeller's class in field day today. Thank you to Mr. Jackson, Nathan's father, who helped during the field day, to the Chan Family for donating water for the day's events (very much needed and appreciated) and thank you to Mrs. Brosig for helping to coordinate necessities.

I also want to thank all of the classroom parents who participated in and helped in the planning of, participation in and presentation in the International Festival last Friday. A special thank you to Mrs. Ramirez, Carolina's mother and to Mrs. O'Dwyer, John's mother and grandmother for making presentations to our classroom on their countries of origin. The students and I enjoyed. John made homemade scones, delicious, and Mrs. Ramirez brought in multiple brochures and informational booklets on Mexico. Thank you again for your participation!

Academic Updates!
Math- We have finished our unit on Geometry and will start a new unit on Division next week. The state curriculum for 5th grade focuses on dividing 3 digit dividend by 2 digit divisors. The unit will also work on the application of division in word problems as they have also been practicing through daily homework assignments.

Science- Our Solar System Planner has floated off into space and we are now focused on Matter. We have already reviewed what matter is and is not, states of matter and other basic background information. We will be covering Matter for about the next 4 weeks. For your information, the Texas State Curriculum requires basic understanding of the following: what is made of matter, properties of matter in terms of mass and volume, definitions of the 3 states of matter (solids, liquids, and gases), physical properties, measurement of matter, define and compare mixtures, solutions and how to combine and separate mixtures and solutions. Physical and chemical changes will be covered as well.

Social Studies- European Colonization in the New World has started and will continue as the lead up to the American Revolution which will start in December or January.

Reading/Language Arts- Our first Literature Books are complete! Students are working on a small final book project which is due on Tuesday, the 2nd. New books and groups will start next week. Look for further updates.

Exhibition- Students are finishing up all their research and will be wrapping up note taking next week as well as working on a written component in a question/answer format. Students are note taking differently than in years past. Each group and individual student has a Wiki page. Feel Free to look at your student's Wiki page at the following website; http:\\
Your child knows their user name and password. Students have a format on their Wiki page for citing sources, highlighting important information and for putting information into their own words. It is really quite impressive. I am eternally grateful to Ms. Anderson, our Technology Teacher, for setting all of the students up and training us, she has been monumental in helping me integrate technology into our IB Planners! Thanks again Pamela Anderson.

Enjoy to cool weather and have a great weekend. Ms. Rivers

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