Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Unceasing River Roars Update-

The Students have a long list of positive attributes that includes; creativity, intelligence, engagement, energy and eagerness to share knowledge and ideas. With these positives, comes a talkative group. There are times in our class when students work with partners and small group and other times, instruction is teacher lead. During times throughout the day when instruction is whole group, students are being talkative. In response, I have started keeping time when the group (not individuals)is talking and I am waiting. This time is taken from recess time at the end of the day. This is by no means one or two students, but the group as a whole. I do expect that the talking will decrease and this will not be necessary after a few weeks at the most. There are students that are quiet at all or most transitions and I am rewarding these students with extra auction points. If we get down to one or two students, I will make adjustments and the whole class will not lose recess at that point. Thank you for your support.

Students have identified their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choices for their Exhibition project and final subjects will be made next week. Ideas generated fall under the overall Central Idea of "Through deep understanding of our world, we find solutions".

Math- The current Math focus of estimation, multiplication (2 digit by 2 digit), organizing/analyzing data using mean, median, mode, mean and range, and rounding Will continue into this week, with a test on Wednesday or Thursday. Students will complete a study guide as practice this week as well. The following unit will cover Geometry. NEW- Students have been registered on Assignments for individual students have been assigned and I will be giving students their usernames and passwords this week on Monday or Tuesday. Students go on and watch a lesson, have an opportunity for guided practice, independent practice and take a quiz.

Wow!!! I am impressed with student prior knowledge of the Solar System. The new Science topic has generated student debate, clarification and has made for animated classroom discussions. Our Solar System unit of study will continue through the next 2 weeks (approximately). If you are interested, here are some websites students may be interested in visiting:

Literature Circles are continuing with comprehension mini-lessons and small groups with teacher. The Reading Journals are used for written responses and generating discussion points when meeting in groups.

Language Arts-
Language Arts is currently being addressed through the research component of Exhibition and through student reading journals as well as daily spelling and Language lessons.

Social Studies-
With Exhibition starting this past week and finishing our poetry projects, we have had an extremely busy week with little time for students to work on their state projects. We will have time this week.

Have a great week!

Carol Rivers

1 comment:

  1. There's a great animation of the planets and some big stars!

    I am sure the students will enjoy watching it!

    Here's the link:
